Friday, May 18, 2012

6 months !!!!

It is almost 6 month since I visited it my blog !!! And yes it is a long time with many things happened !!!

Thank you to a friend in Twitter who reminded me of one of my posts !!!

It is not that I forgot my blog, but each time I have something to share, I simply delay it till I have a free time to post something. Sadly, I never had the time to do so and I tended to forget.

I think I should set a couple of times a week to write, for the sake of writing, keep this blog alive, and keep a promise I did to my blog when I deleted everything and started all over again ** that turned out to be a bad step I did.  ~_~

Inshallah in the coming posts, I will wrtie about main things happened to me in the last 6 months.

Stay tuned

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


How awkward entering this New Year and I feel so so different about myself. I seriously noticed that the past 3 new years in my life were different. Yet this year I feel kinda of peaceful and quiet in term of emotions on the personal level.

Nothing much happened for me the last year, yet the few changes/things that happened considered being huge steps in my life AlhamdAllah. I managed to move to teaching, and I am having the most amazing time, even though it is a real hardworking, but once am in class with my students I forget everything and have a wonderful time with them. I also managed to start my doctorate program which will cost me 4/5 years of my life, and for sure it is the worst hardworking ever, yet I am enjoying my time and Inshallah will manage to finish with success. However, THE most important thing in my whole life is that I managed to go for Umrah and had the most amazing unbelievable time AlhamdAllah.

People used to put plans for New Year and give promises of things they will do/achieve, and I used to be that way ! However, this year I won’t !

I will just wish myself a good, happy, lucky and successful year and will let things happen as Allah planed for me. Yet, one thing I will just plan for it, and will work hard for it which is being closer to Allah than ever Inshallah.

Wish you all a good, happy, lucky and successful year.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My first Umrah ever

Last week I went to Saudi Arabia to preform my first Umrah ever. First we went to Al Madeena (City of Prophet Mohammed) for 3 days then we went to Makka for 4 days.

It was unbelievable and such amazing trip that I should have done long time ago. The feeling that I had when I first saw Ka’aba is unbelievable, I seriously can’t descripbe it ! I just felt disconnected from the whole world and felt nothing but being with Allah. My mother, my sister, and I used to spend almost the whole day there in the masjid, we only go back to the hotel to sleep or eat. I wish I can live there near Ka’aba and I need nothing else.

Alhamdeallah, I feel so so fresh and peaceful. I am praying to Allah that I preform Haj very soon Inshallah, and I promised myself to preform Umrah each year as long as I have the time and budget to do so.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My latest updates !

I know it has been so long since I wrote my last blog. Many things happened since July (the date of my latest post). I will try to update my blog more often.

Ramadhan and Eid came and I spent both of them home doing nothing but relaxing, praying, reading Quran and having a great time with family.

September was the change point cause I started my doctorate degree ! (ya finally I did)

Just couple of weeks ago I finished semester 1 and it was the worst 4 months I ever had in my life X_x it really wasn’t easy, I had to read a lot of books and articles, write like hell and most of my assignments feedback makes me look like a student at grade 1 if not kindergarten!

It has been so so long since I wrote an academic paper, and honestly, it wasn’t easy at all.

Alhamdeallah, I managed to finish the first semester, and now waiting for the results. Inshallah I will get a good marks at least to pass this semester !

Thursday, July 21, 2011

فقدان الذاكرة

لفترة ليست بالقصيرة تمتد لأشهر وما زالت تستحوذ على تفكيري فكرة واحدة "فقدان الذاكرة"

نعم أتمني أن تصيبني حالة من فقدان الذاكرة أنسى فيها كل شى وكل الناس, أصبح فيها ورقة بيضاء ويكون بأستطاعتي أن أملأها من جديد.

نعم هي فكرة مجنونة ولكني مقتنعة بها لكل قواي العقلية وبكل تأكيد لست تحت تأثير أي مخدر. أتمنى أن تكون هناك طريقة أستطيع بها الوصول لتلك الحالة ولو كانت لفترة مؤقتة, لا مانع لدي من خوض التجربة.

أنا متأكدة أنه شعور رائع أن تبدأ باكتشاف الكون من جديد وتتحسس خطواتك من جديد وتتعلم كطفل وليد يستكشف الحياة بكل حماس ومتعة.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Waiting Expert !

Life is all about waiting from something to happen or someone to come to make a different !

I wonder how is life going to look like without waiting !

Yet, it is the most hated thing to me ! I never stand it and never am able to tolerate it.

How ??!! Practicing !

Everthing in my life is all about waiting which made me a Waiting Expert !

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

A dream is just started to come true :)

The new academic year in the college am working in just started last week.

Students came back after a long summer vacation - most of them as usual were hoping to get more days because of the Eid break - but it didn't and everybody had to start on Monday.

Also we have the new batch high school graduates who start a new step in their life - it just makes me very so happy to see all those girls starting looking for a successful future.

BUT the most amazing wonderful thing happened for me this year is that I started Teaching :)

I am so happy even it is only 1 section and I am under training for 1 year am still very very happy.

Alhamdeallah a dream is just started to come true and Inshallah it will be the dream that fully comes true

All I need now is to work really hard to prove that I deserve this and Allah Inshallah will make this dream comes true.

Pray for me :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Night of Destiny

Ramadan is coming to its end - 4 more days and we will say goodbye to such amazing month and wonderful inspiring time that you really find your innersole and get to be closer to Allah.

Today is Lylat Al Qader ( Night of Destiny/Power ), Night better than a thousand months, The night which Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed PBUH, The night that Allah answer all Muslims Du'aa and prayers.

Inshallah Allah accept from all of us and bless all Muslims all over the world in this blessed month " Ramadan "

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Emirati men shun women who study abroad

Emirati men shun women who study abroad

Reading this article made me so annoyed and felt so sorry to still have such mentality !
What the hell with stereotyping Emarati Women who study aboard to be not fit as a wife ! Who the hell give Emarati guys such authority to decide such thing !

Why we don’t think of the version of the story and look for the Emarati guys studying aboard version – are the fit to be good husbands ???

I can see that Emarati guys ( not all of them to be realistic ) feel threatened by any successful woman and all they want to see is a low self esteem woman who is always depending on them and follow them ! They feel fraid of an independent, successful, educated, have a voice and opinion, and have a very high self esteem woman.

I am so sorry to tell you guys – find your courage to do even ½ what those ladies managed to do and be brave enough managed to achieve what Emarati women have achieved.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Emiratis listened to Bill Gates – can they emulate him?

For pretty a long time now I am thinking of starting my own business that I was dreaming of for years now ! “ What stopping you ?? “ many will ask me !

It is all the complicated procedures and steps that would depress anyone would like to start any type of business is stopping me !

Today’s in The National – Sultan Al Qassimi posted a very touchy article that in his words just said what was stopping me and many others like me who are struggling and still on the stage of thinking to open their own business

Emiratis listened to Bill Gates – can they emulate him?

Friday, June 11, 2010


كانت فلسطين تنتظر ذاك الزعيم الذي يهب لها قولا وفعلا – ذاك الزعيم الذي يقف الموقف الشجاع ليرد على سنين من القتل والتدمير والسلب والنهب

كانت تنتظره عربيا يتحدث لغتها – كانت تنظره عربيا يحمل تضاريسها – كانت تنتظره عربيا يمشى خطاها

لكنه جاء تركياً

لله درك يا أردوغان – فعلت ما لم يفعله الزعماء العرب وقفت وقفت شجاعة لم يتجرأ زعيما عربيا على فعلها بعد جمال عبد الناصر فاستحققت حب العرب جميعا ودعمهم لك بكل ما سيجره موقفك الاخير من تبعيات لتركيا على الصعيد السياسي وخسرت دعم الدول الغربية التى كانت تنظر لتركيا على انها جسر التواصل بين الشرق والغرب كونها الدول المسلمة الوحيدة في حلف شمال الاطلسي ولربما ايضا تخسر عضويتها المقترحة للاتحاد الاوروبي

السؤال المهم – كم من الوقت سيبقي أردوغان على مواقفه ؟؟؟ وهل سيسمح له الغرب واسرائيل ان يكمل مسيرته ؟؟؟

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The World Cup 2010

With The World Cup around the corner this weekend and the best football teams fighting for glory; there are other type of teams who will go through another type of fighting for life !
Sports fans will be full scheduled for around month for more than 100 hours of TV time with their argument “ It is a once every four years ! “ But what effects will the World Cup have on relationships with everybody around those fans ???

To what extend do you think relationships might be damaged/scratched with most of the fans timing is with The Cup and their families, friends, relatives, colleagues, and others who have no interested in the game ???

A friend of mine took his annual leave from work and told me – as a jock, which I doubt ! – not to call him starting June 11th until July 11th !!!

My advice to you is to try your best and be engaged in the game at least from the news side to have a discussion channel when there are no games taking place “ if you can’t beat them – join them ! “. You also can start have your schedule of things you wanted to do long time ago and have now time because being committed with other plans because you will have a month timeline to finish it with a “ YES go ahead “ green light from the Footy Lovers.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love you Mom

How old do I have to be for my mother to stop thinking of me as a kid !

I guess all mothers never be able to forget that her cute kids are old enough to take care of her/his self and be able to manage her/his life in a way or another ! I understand how mothers feel yet sometimes it makes you feel like you never did anything in your whole life !

Anyway - I love you mom and I so love it when you treat me like a little baby :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Starting all over again !

Starting all over again isn’t an easy step to take yet it could be a nice step for me !
I extend my deep apologize for those who used to follow my blog that I have to delete everything

Why – I don’t know !

I just need to have a new fresh start and I will Inshallah this time manage to keep this blog fresh and updated.