Thursday, December 29, 2011

My first Umrah ever

Last week I went to Saudi Arabia to preform my first Umrah ever. First we went to Al Madeena (City of Prophet Mohammed) for 3 days then we went to Makka for 4 days.

It was unbelievable and such amazing trip that I should have done long time ago. The feeling that I had when I first saw Ka’aba is unbelievable, I seriously can’t descripbe it ! I just felt disconnected from the whole world and felt nothing but being with Allah. My mother, my sister, and I used to spend almost the whole day there in the masjid, we only go back to the hotel to sleep or eat. I wish I can live there near Ka’aba and I need nothing else.

Alhamdeallah, I feel so so fresh and peaceful. I am praying to Allah that I preform Haj very soon Inshallah, and I promised myself to preform Umrah each year as long as I have the time and budget to do so.


Jamal Salem said...

Umrah maqbola enshalah sister :).. as u said its unbelievable feeling when u c the Ka'aba for the first time..

i didnt go to Al Madeena yet. and i hope i can do that soon

jamal salem

Ibrahim said...

Taqabal Allah 3abeer, umrah maqboolah inshallah :)

I had the same feeling u described :I just felt disconnected from the whole world and felt nothing but being with Allah"

Inshallah we go again and again ...
Ibrahim (@iBadawi)